Advisory: Applications available for Texans Feeding Texans - Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program > Texas Department of Agriculture Website > News & Events
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Advisory: Applications available for Texans Feeding Texans - Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program (7/31/2023)

July 31, 2023

Commissioner Sid Miller announced that applications for the Texans Feeding Texans - Home-Delivered Meal Grant are now available on the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Home-Delivered Meal Program webpage. Applications will be accepted beginning September 1, 2023. The final deadline for submission is November 1, 2023. Applicants are urged to reach out to their county commissioners as soon as possible.

The Home-Delivered Meal Grant program is part of the Texans Feeding Texans umbrella program, intended to create partnerships between local meal providers, counties, and the state. The Home-Delivered Meal Grant program was established to help support governmental and non-profit agencies that provide at-home meals to homebound Texans. The HDM grant is a non-competitive grant and all eligible entities that submit a qualifying application receive an award based on a formula to determine award amounts.

“’Texans feeding Texans’ is just what the name says—caring Texans reaching out to Texas seniors and others in need to make sure they have nutritious food on a regular basis,” said Commissioner Miller.

“These programs are so much more than food. A home-delivered meal isn’t just lunch—it can be a reminder to some of our neediest that they are not forgotten. That’s why the Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program is so important. It might be early yet, but I encourage all eligible organizations to start working on their applications now.”

For a meal-providing organization to receive their share of HDM Grant Program funds, the meal provider must first obtain a qualifying financial grant from the county where the organization provides services. The county must pledge their monetary portion of the program requirement through a formal resolution, which will be submitted as part of the application in Fall 2023. County grants are based on the number of county seniors as reported by the most current census. The county and applying meal providers should use the following guidelines when determining the local match:

- An amount equal to $0.25 per county senior as reported in the 2020 census qualifies meal providers for funds under the Program.  
- Monetary amounts from the county at rates less than $0.25 per county senior will qualify providers for correspondingly smaller TDA grants.
- If a county has multiple meal providers, the individual county qualifying grants will be totaled to determine the County's overall participation level.
- In kind contributions are not allowable.
- A county resolution should not contain the county's whole budget for the program, only the required amount.

Meal providers will be required to show proof that county funds have been received during the monitoring process, documented through a signed county resolution form. The organization should work with their county commissioner to secure the qualifying grant.

“I urge applicants begin working with their county officials as soon as possible to get the resolution approved through the applicable Commissioner’s Court in a timely manner prior to the application deadline. Sooner is better than later, so they can receive the full benefit of these grants. My TDA staff are available to work with meal providers and their counties to make sure all qualified applicants receive this funding,” the Commissioner said.

Please contact TDA via email at with questions. 

Additional details and other grant qualification requirements can be found here.
Phone: (833) 380-8282

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